God Wink

Helma Rosenthal

I was 42 years old and had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The cancer was aggressive. Surgery followed by chemo therapy and radiation were strongly recommended.

I had my breast surgeon lined up and was in the process of meeting with two local oncologists who had come highly recommended. The first doctor took his time walking me through the statistics of my survival. I left feeling terrified. The second doctor also took time from his busy schedule to meet with me, my husband, Rich, and my friend Steffie, who took notes for us. We stood in the waiting room while the doctor ran back and forth between us and patient appointments.

On his first foray out to see us he told us that we had too much information and were more like deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle, which was true.

The Godwink happened during the next round of questions we asked. As I looked at the doctor, he appeared to become part of a living tree. His body was part of the trunk, deep roots appeared below, and a full canopy appeared above as he continued to speak to us. I wanted to reach out to Rich in the worst way and ask him if he was seeing what I was seeing. I didn’t in the moment but did tell both Rich and Steffie what I had seen as soon as we left the waiting room.

Whether the tree that I saw encapsulating the oncologist was the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life, the answer was clear about whom I should choose as my oncologist.

I recalled that vision many times as I moved forward in my treatment. I was still afraid but that Godwink helped me to feel that God still had plans for my life and that I would survive this hurdle with His help along with the full network of support with which I had been blessed.

Many years later my breast surgeon reviewed the chemo cocktail prescribed for me by God’s chosen oncologist letting out a long low whistle indicating my treatment was ahead of its time.

I once told a therapist about my vision and he shook his head no saying it was most likely deep intuition. I know it was a vision. Twenty- seven years later I can still see it in my minds eye — God winked and I am still here to share my story. 

~Helma Rosenthal