God Wink

Kevin Heier

It was Maundy Thursday several years ago and although I was in church, I wasn’t really “here”. I had recently found out my best friend at work had taken another job and was moving to Chicago. I wasn’t happy about it. I had been pretty much moping around for several days and even right then in church I was just sad, and angry and way inside my own head about it.

And then as I sat there, something in my mind said, “Eric is a great guy, right? Think of all the new people who are going to get the chance to know him now.” I don’t know where that thought came from. Nothing like it had occurred to me before. But that thought changed my whole attitude. I literally felt the weight lifted off me. I walked out of church that night feeling changed and the next day, Eric’s last day at work, I was able to laugh and reminisce with him. And it was a blessing.