Dear FPCA Friends:
It’s time for our Fall Kickoff!
This Sunday, September 8, we will have a special combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, and then we will gather for an all-church picnic and carnival. We will also be offering a blessing with attachable backpack tags to all students, teachers, administrators, and their families as they start the new school year as part of worship. Then, join us for a picnic, games, music, crafts, a dunk tank, bouncy house, face painting, and more activities at the Fall Kickoff immediately following worship. We hope you will be there – and please, invite neighbors and friends to join us as well!
We celebrate the Fall Kickoff on the Sunday following Labor Day Weekend because it’s the start to our church’s program year and our Sunday morning faith formation opportunities. This means we have a new yearlong theme: our mission statement!
Sunday morning faith formation will begin the following Sunday: September 15. And this year, we are introducing our Fall 2024 Faith Formation Catalogue! This includes all faith formation opportunities for children, youth, and adults from September through December including special events and interests the complement our faith formation opportunities. You will be able to view a copy during the picnic on Sunday.
I’m so excited for how God is working through us, the imperfect but loving people of First Presbyterian, is this season. Join us as we celebrate our Fall Kickoff with worship, love, and lots of fun!
See you on Sunday, my friends!
God’s Peace,