I mentioned when I first preached here at First Presbyterian Church in Allentown, that I’m not one to let an introductory clause go when it kicks off a passage of scripture. That Sunday morning in January the text we read from Isaiah began, “But now thus says the Lord,” begging the question. “What did this […]
Dear FPCA family, As I’ve been discovering wonderful things about First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, I sometimes wonder, “Does everyone know this?!?” It’s always with great excitement about something that I hope isn’t a hidden blessing. I thought maybe I’d share some of these from time to time in case it might help more of […]
No one was more surprised than I was a few years ago when I found myself hitting the “record” button on my TV to make sure I didn’t miss an overnight Formula 1 car race. I got sucked into the actual racing after discovering the Netflix reality show Drive to Survive that has been following […]
Dear FPCA family, I continue to be grateful for the warm welcome I am receiving in our church and throughout the Lehigh Valley. Both aspects are a blessing to me. I have a lot of fun telling people in the community why I moved here and where I serve. Often, they share back with me […]
Through a lens of mercy There was a conversation this week in an internet forum for church leaders, that was centered around safety training and devices, like automated external defibrillators (or AEDs), and whether or not a church should have one. One commenter was worried that if the church had one, but it’s use was […]
Dear FPCA Family, I am so grateful for the welcome you shared with me last week as I spent my first Sunday with you. The smiles, handshakes, and hugs were a blessing as I start to settle into this family of faith. This Sunday is the first week of worship in which we explore our […]
3231 West Tilghman Street
Allentown, PA 18104