Rev. Taylor Hall

The Rev. Taylor Steven Hall is our Pastor for Youth and Faith Formation. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Northern Colorado and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. While in seminary, Taylor served as a camp chaplain at Metigoshe Outdoor Ministries in Bottineau, ND; a chaplain extern at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, CO; and a pastoral intern at Lawrence Road Presbyterian Church in Lawrenceville, NJ. Before being called to serve at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Taylor served as Associate Pastor at Sunnyside Presbyterian Church in South Bend, IN. Taylor has served various different facets of ministry with a special emphasis in faith formation, youth ministry, intergenerational community building, LGBTQ+ advocacy, caring for creation, worship design & implementation, mission trip & retreat planning, volunteer & leader empowerment, and research in the engagement and outreach to millennials & young families.

Have you ever had an experience that changed you forever? A moment where you saw the world or yourself differently? Maybe it was standing in the mountains, looking out at a vast horizon that made you feel both small and deeply connected to something greater. Maybe it was holding a newborn baby, realizing the weight […]

Dear FPCA Friends: This Sunday marks a new chapter in the life of our congregation as we joyfully welcome The Rev. Stephanie Anthony as our next installed lead pastor. This is a moment of deep gratitude and hope, a time when we open our hearts to new possibilities and embrace the Spirit’s leading in fresh […]

Is there anything you don’t like about Jesus? When asking this question to our youth or to our eldest of members, when asking Jesus’ most committed of disciples to those who still on the fence, when asking a more traditional style of worshipper or a more contemporary style of worshipper, there seems to be a […]

Beloved Friends of FPCA: This week, as we gather in faith and community, I feel compelled to speak to a truth that is central to who we are as followers of Christ: every person is created in the image of God, imbued with inherent dignity, and deeply beloved. This belief is not only a theological […]

Standing at the threshold of a new year and a new chapter, many of us might feel a sense of anticipation. I sure do! We make plans, set resolutions, and chart our paths forward. But if we’re honest, how often do those plans unfold exactly as we imagine? Life’s road, as we know, is rarely […]

Today marks the beginning of Advent, a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year draws to a close, a new church year begins, inviting us to reorient our lives around the birth of Christ—a birth that ushers in new ways of living, loving, and hoping. Yet, as we know, even as we prepare […]

Friends, today we gather to explore another fruit of the spirit—hospitality. And before you challenge me on whether hospitality is a fruit of the spirit because indeed it is NOT listed as one of the seven fruits in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, let me tell you! First, I was assigned this fruit and this Sunday… […]

Dear FPCA Friends: As we journey together through our Fruits of the Spirit sermon series, this week’s focus invites us to dwell on the gift of hospitality. In Hebrews 13:2, we’re reminded, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hospitality, at its heart, […]

“We strive to continually grow in our faith. God makes God’s self known in different ways to different people. We affirm that ongoing faith formation is important for people of all ages, seasons, and identities so that, in a safe community, all may explore what it means to live a Christ-like life.”-One of Our Core Values Dear FPCA Friends: […]

Today we gather to celebrate a new beginning—a homecoming. Rally Day! Our Fall Kickoff! Today is the start of a new season; the start of school and faith formation; the start of another year to live out God’s love! Today we embark on another journey together. Today we pause, remember, and give thanks to why […]

Dear FPCA Friends: It’s time for our Fall Kickoff! This Sunday, September 8, we will have a special combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, and then we will gather for an all-church picnic and carnival.  We will also be offering a blessing with attachable backpack tags to all students, teachers, administrators, and […]

Almighty God, as we hear your gracious Word, make us hungry for Jesus, your holy manna, that we may feed on him, the bread of life. Amen. It is nearly impossible to ignore the volatile political landscape our nation finds itself in. I’m sure you know this; try as we might but it is nearly […]