Rev. Taylor Hall

The Rev. Taylor Steven Hall is our Pastor for Youth and Faith Formation. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Northern Colorado and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. While in seminary, Taylor served as a camp chaplain at Metigoshe Outdoor Ministries in Bottineau, ND; a chaplain extern at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, CO; and a pastoral intern at Lawrence Road Presbyterian Church in Lawrenceville, NJ. Before being called to serve at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Taylor served as Associate Pastor at Sunnyside Presbyterian Church in South Bend, IN. Taylor has served various different facets of ministry with a special emphasis in faith formation, youth ministry, intergenerational community building, LGBTQ+ advocacy, caring for creation, worship design & implementation, mission trip & retreat planning, volunteer & leader empowerment, and research in the engagement and outreach to millennials & young families.

Today we gather to celebrate a new beginning—a homecoming. Rally Day! Our Fall Kickoff! Today is the start of a new season; the start of school and faith formation; the start of another year to live out God’s love! Today we embark on another journey together. Today we pause, remember, and give thanks to why […]

Dear FPCA Friends: It’s time for our Fall Kickoff! This Sunday, September 8, we will have a special combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, and then we will gather for an all-church picnic and carnival.  We will also be offering a blessing with attachable backpack tags to all students, teachers, administrators, and […]

Almighty God, as we hear your gracious Word, make us hungry for Jesus, your holy manna, that we may feed on him, the bread of life. Amen. It is nearly impossible to ignore the volatile political landscape our nation finds itself in. I’m sure you know this; try as we might but it is nearly […]

Dear FPCA Friends: Grace and peace to you! July may be coming to an end, but our work in the name of Christ continues! It’s been such a good summer, and this Sunday is no different! First, we welcome Janine Carambot Santoro back to the pulpit in our English-language services. Janine Carambot Santoro (she/her) serves […]

Good morning, everyone. Before we dive in, let’s take a moment to center ourselves. Take a deep breath and remember we are here together, united in Christ’s love. This summer Carter and I along with a few guest preachers decided not to preach a series but rather we are listening to the Spirit at work […]

Dear FPCA Friend: “For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.” – Ephesians 2:14 I hope this letter finds you in a place of peace and comfort. This past week, our hearts were burdened after […]

Let’s imagine a scenario together. Let’s say one afternoon you get a call from someone dear to you, one of the people you love most in this world, perhaps a spouse or a best friend. They call you, and they are frantic, “I need your help! I need you to come to the garden section […]

Our Lenten, now Easter journey, has been a pilgrimage of sorts, following the footsteps of Peter: from the abundant catch that led him to drop everything and follow Jesus to walking on water, professing his faith, being rebuked, receiving foot washing, denying Jesus, and running to the tomb. And now, on this day, we witness […]

As we gather here on this Palm Sunday, we are reminded of the joyous cries that filled the air on that remarkable day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt. “Hosanna, Hosanna – blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!” Our scripture text invites us to imagine ourselves […]

Today I invite you to join me on a journey. A journey that requires not your feet, but your heart, your mind, and your spirit. I invite you to close your eyes and step back in time, back into the pages of the Gospel of Matthew. Picture this. You are walking along the dusty roads […]

Let us pray. Loving God, we stand in awe of your glory and your grace. As we dive into your Word today, may our hearts be open and our minds receptive to your message. Amen. As we gather here today, on the Sunday before we move into the Season of Lent, we are reminded of […]

Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year! It has been just 7 days from when we gathered by candlelight to celebrate the birth of Christ, God’s Son, our Savior. Throughout December, we’ve been making room to welcome Christ into our hearts but honoring all that are hearts are already carrying. Weariness or joy, amazement or hope […]