God Wink

Jim Moczydlowski (2)

If I were to mention a very recent Godwink, it would come with someone’s name attached to it — Gary Stone. I was led by Gary to explore joining a discussion group that meets once a week. After talking with Gary, I made the commitment to join the group. Thank you, Gary, for allowing God to use you giving me the Wink and the link to the Zoom meetings.

It is truly a gift that keeps on giving, and in all honesty, It’s a Wink that keeps on Winking. We meet once a week through Zoom, and we discuss a book we are reading. The most inspiring and intriguing aspect of these meetings is how we all read the same words and yet we are so diverse with our interpretation of what those words mean to each of us.

Allow me to explain: It would be like sitting all of us at a round table staring at the same candle that is flickering away in the middle of the table. Each of us based on our vantage point and position would have a very unique perspective and description of that same candle. One might see more yellow in the flame, and another might see the vibrant blues. Well, that is how it works in our group. After reading the same exact words, each of us brings a distinct inspiration to the discussion.

Our responses, that I like to think of as Godwinks, are varied because of how God created each one of us all in the image of God, and yet each of us glows or flickers with the unique talents God has bestowed upon us. It goes beyond our education and experiences. I believe it is based on the unique relationship each one of us has with our creator.

Gary often prepares compelling questions for us to ponder ahead of the meeting. These prompts lead us into a lively discussion sharing insights and wisdom. For me, it is a constant barrage of “Godwinks” that the members of this group generate. It is truly a blessing to be in the company of these “Godwinkers.” Using the wisdom from the group, I believe the consensus is: “We support each other’s growth to become more Christlike and more capable of furthering God’s Kingdom in this world.”