“We strive to continually grow in our faith. God makes God’s self known in different ways to different people. We affirm that ongoing faith formation is important for people of all ages, seasons, and identities so that, in a safe community, all may explore what it means to live a Christ-like life.”
-One of Our Core Values
Dear FPCA Friends:
Two Sundays ago we had our Fall Kickoff! And last Sunday we began Sunday morning faith formation once again! Our community of faith is buzzing with faith, fellowship, and fun!
“But Pastor Taylor! How will we know all the incredible faith formation opportunities our church is offering?!”
I’m glad you asked!
The faith formation team published our Fall 2024 Faith Formation Catalogue! In it, you will find all faith formation opportunities for children, youth, and adults from September through December including special events and interests that complement our faith formation opportunities.
When and where do our children gather for faith formation every Sunday? What are they talking about up in their rooms? When is our children’s choir singing in worship? Do we have a nursery? Check out our Faith Formation Catalogue!
What about youth; what are they doing up in their new youth rooms? Are they doing any mission projects this fall? Is there a new team of youth leading the other youth? What’s happening in our confirmation program? Check out our Faith Formation Catalogue!
Does the church offer four Sunday morning faith formation opportunities for adults every Sunday, and if so, what are they? What are some of our special series this fall? Do we offer Bible studies during the week? Is there more information our joining a 4-week Advent small group? Check out our Faith Formation Catalogue!
How can I get my children or youth involved in worship leadership? Is Trunk or Treat happening? When is our Children’s Christmas Pageant? What’s our Intergenerational Mission project this year? We have an art gallery?! Check out our Faith Formation Catalogue!
I think I’ve made my point. You should check out our Faith Formation Catalogue!
You can view a digital version of the catalogue online through the links or pick up a physical copy of the catalogue at the church.
Join us for any of our opportunities this fall; see you there!
God’s Peace,

P.S. Please join us for our special faith formation opportunity for adults this Sunday in Room 115. The Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim will speak about her book: When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity. Dr. Kim’s purpose in writing the book is to provoke the justice work needed to deconstruct whiteness and the white male image of God to create a better society, church, and community. A limited number of books will be available for purchase, and Dr. Kim will be available for book signing. This class is intended to be a “kick off” event for the Justice Library the Compassion, Peace, and Justice Team is making available to the congregation.