March 20, 2025

Dear FPCA family,

As I’ve been discovering wonderful things about First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, I sometimes wonder, “Does everyone know this?!?” It’s always with great excitement about something that I hope isn’t a hidden blessing. I thought maybe I’d share some of these from time to time in case it might help more of us learn about FPCA. If you think there’s something I might not have learned about yet, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d love to hear more stories and meet more people. I’d be happy to take you out for coffee (or tea or a walk or anything!) to hear what you’d like to share about what makes FPCA special to you. So….

Did you know that this week the first woman ordained in the US Presbyterian Church, in a predecessor denomination to our own PC(USA), turned 100 this week on March 19? And did you know that this minister, the Rev. Dr. Margaret Towner, served as a Christian educator at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown at the time of her ordination? At the session meeting last month, the session passed a resolution of gratitude and celebration honoring Dr. Towner’s life and ministry and sent a copy of it along with a birthday card to her home in Florida.  Dr. Towner reached out to me and asked me to pass along her thanks for the way we honored her birthday and with warm regards to the whole church.

(Please inquire with the church office if you’d like to send Dr. Towner a birthday or gratitude card.)

I hope the rest of your week is full of signs of God’s grace and love.  We’ll see you on Sunday!


Pastor Stephanie Anthony
Lead Pastor