Sophia Sciarrino’s Sermon

Good morning. I’m Sophia Sciarrino, an elder who just finished serving on session and an active member of the youth group. I’m honored to have a chance to speak with you today, honestly a little nervous too.

But, I guess it’s high time I get used to being nervous and trying new, exciting, and different experiences. I’m a senior in highschool. I’m at one of the most pivotal points in my life. The decisions I make today will determine the rest of my life. Pretty scary right?

Here’s a quick taste of some the thoughts I’ve had this year: Where am I going to college? Will I be able to afford it? Where are my friends going? Am I going to be okay leaving them and missing them? Will I make new friends? Oh, what about prom? What about my dress? Or what about finding earrings that match my dress? What should I wear to graduation? What if I faceplant on the stage?!?!

So yeah, most ofmy senior year has been a whirlwind of questions, anxiety, and “what ifs.” I’ve really been trying to take deep breaths, slow down, and … well, trust in God and the support systems in place to help me move forward – my family, my friends, and certainly, my church. 

In the scripture we heard today, Jesus is ready to ascend back into heaven, leaving the apostles alone to fend for themselves. I like to say Jesus is taking off the training wheels. Jesus is like the parent with his hand on the bike seat, and the disciples are like the child who’s too scared to pedal on their own. But we all know how this story goes, our parent takes their hand off the seat, and you wobble, and you’re scared, but you do it! All that love, support, and guidance – and you’re riding a bike!

And while the apostles had A LOT more pressure on them, you know, spreading the word of God, performing miracles, and going into unchartered territories to help save the world and all, I find that I can really relate to them, especially from where I stand right now. And I bet you can relate to them too. They think they’re alone and that they’re not ready. But little do they know,  they’ve been preparing for this moment their whole lives. Jesus prepared them. They have all the right words on the tips on their tongues, because Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, remains in their hearts. Kind of like how my parents will just a be text or phone call away, when I’m at college.

Through teachings, leading by example, and much more, Jesus gave the apostles the proper foundation to be successful without him physically being present. Just like school, my family, my friends, and my life experiences have prepared me to go to college, and handle whatever comes next. This presence, this beyond tangible love, God’s love, is a lot like trusting your training wheels. You can remember what they feel like, but you also know you’ll be okay without them.

There are many other pivotal transitions in our lives, no matter your age. I’m graduating high school, yes, but maybe you’re starting kindergarten, moving into a nursing home, or starting a new job, or maybe you’re speaking in front of more people than you ever have for 5-7 minutes! Change is scary, but God has got our back.

And thankfully, because each and every one of us is different in a unique, and beautiful way, God welcomes us to worship and give praise in many different ways. One of my favorite ways to praise and worship God is through music. And a song I really connect to in my current season of life is Vienna by Billy Joel. He sings, “Slow down you’re doing fine, you can’t be everything you want to be before your time” and later he says “when will you realize, Vienna waits for you.” I need to trust and realize Vienna is waiting for me. I don’t need to answer all these questions now. I need to breathe and enjoy the present. If we don’t trust that God is with us, then we might altogether miss the joys he’s created for us.

We need to appreciate the joy in everyday life. Whether it’s snagging your favorite candy from the checkout line at GIANT, the little kid smiling at you on your morning walk, or a random dog coming up to you for kisses…all of these little things are what show us that God is everywhere. Don’t let the rain ruin your plans, go out and dance in it. Don’t let your insecurities stop you from being confident, just wear those pants you look great! And don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from exploring it. Jesus is in your heart. We have an amazing guide!

Think of it this way: If the apostles let their fears stop them, none of us would be here as the Christians we are today. What if YOU are the next Peter, or the next John? Spoiler alert: You are.

We are the present-day apostles and it is OUR job to spread God’s message. Spread his message through compliments to strangers, rounding up your total for charity, and inviting that left-out peer to join your lunch table.

You may be like me and worry that everything will go wrong, but God has a plan for me and for you. God’s plan is to stay with us, always, through the Holy Spirit. We cannot let the stresses of daily life inhibit our ability to spread God’s message and cherish his creation! And if you make a mistake, that is okay, we are human. All of the “wrongs’ ‘ are just detours on road to where we’re supposed to be. I like to think of God like Bob Ross, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

What if I decide my college or my major isn’t a good fit for me? I can transfer or follow my curiosity. What if you’re drowning in work at the office? Can you try to remember how excited you were for that job on the first day and remember WHY you’re doing it. Or, can explore a new opportunity?

As humans, we default to becoming caught up in fear and anxiety, and God does not want that for us.  We should push ourselves every day to become more Christlike. Oftentimes in the Bible we see Jesus face stressful situations with a calm approach. Jesus specializes in slowing things down, realizing he’s never without God. Seeing Jesus calm in the face of fear should inspire us to do the same. In stormy waters, Jesus is a lighthouse, guiding the way, providing stability and security. We have Jesus as our lighthouse in stormy waters. We need to trust in him and realize his plan for us, even if we can’t understand it.

While we need to trust Jesus, we also need to know Jesus trusts us!  Jesus trusted the disciples to continue to spread his message without his physical presence. And Jesus trusts each and every one of you too. He knows you’re prepared for whatever you will encounter; you just need to believe it. Trust all the work you’ve put in to get where you are today. On my cross country team we always say, “trust your training.” That means believe in all the hard work you’ve done and know that it will be enough to lead you to success. You’ve been training to spread God’s word your entire life. Even if you don’t know it, the love you showed your first dog, the friendships you kindled in elementary school, the joy you feel when being outside in God’s creation – all of this is embodies what it means to practice being a good Christian. You are ready to share God’s word, you’ve been sharing it your whole life, all you have to do now is keep going!

Here are three takeaways from me to you, as ALL of us move forward in this Christian life together:

  1. You are the apostles of today;it’s our duty to spread God’s word!
  2. No matter where you’re at in life, don’t let your stress and anxiety inhibit you from spreading God’s message and enjoying his creation.
  3. Trust in God’s plan for you! God’s plan is his presence! God is with us everyday!

So don’t let the rain cancel your plans, go out and dance in it! Take advantage of everything God provides for you and enjoy it! Wear that shirt, eat the icecream, apply for that job! I believe in you, and God believes in you. Thank you