Rev. Kathryn Foster

Rev. Kathryn Foster has a long history of serving in the churches of Christ in ministry, Christian education, music and administration. Born to a newly minted UCC minister, she has experienced many varieties of reformed Christian church in her time. After a career in the travel industry while raising her two children, she attended Moravian College earning a B.A. in Sociology, then a B.S. in Nursing. She earned her Master of Divinity from Moravian Theological Seminary, in 2013 and has served as an authorized minister since then. Currently, she is a doctoral student at Iliff School of Theology, in Denver, Co, working toward a Doctor of Ministry degree in Prophetic Leadership. She has taken part in mission trips to Africa, Honduras, and here at home. Kathryn’s heart is in ministry, and care of people, but always seeking to discern God’s prophetic call to justice and new things within God’s beloved community.

Reflect on what it means to have a “with-us” God. If you have experienced a time of isolation, from God or others, what practices might help you break free from that isolation? How can you support others experiencing loneliness and isolation? Connection as God’s plan for humanity. We are lonely sometimes. Sometimes we want to […]

Dear members and friends, What a great time I have had getting to know all of you over the past year! We have done much good work together. One of the main things I have been working on in the last year has been to help the Board of Deacons reassess and clarify their ministries […]

So, in thinking about this gospel text, I wanted to show you this video clip from the movie, Charlotte’s Web. Anybody ever read that book as a child? I read it half a dozen times back then. Let’s watch. Now you all know that birds don’t talk and scarecrows aren’t real. Do any of you […]

God so loved the world…. Loved = agape – reasoned love; pleasure of mind.   world = cosmos. We hear that passage many times but do you really take that in?God…. Loves… this…. World…and all that is in it. Really, Really, Really likes it.  Really, Really thinks it, and we, are special just because we exist […]

Today is called “The Reign of Christ” Sunday or “Christ the King” on the liturgical year. A couple of weeks ago, Carter, our lead pastor, asked the question in his sermon, “Who ARE you waiting for?” It is a good question, with all the mystery surrounding our faith. This week, I thought I might add […]