Dear Friends in Christ:
I hope your summer has been a good one as we enter August! This week, I want to briefly highlight four aspects of church life unfolding this summer.
First, as was shared in previous eblasts and at the “World Café” gathering on Saturday, June 1 at the church, a special Building and Grounds Strategic Taskforce is exploring options for sharing our campus and developing an income stream that can be set aside in the future for major repairs and replacements of systems, such as heating, air conditioning, roofs, etc. The ultimate goal is for this campus to be an asset to ministry rather than a drain on the budget which hurts the ministry of the future congregation.
As noted previously, the Taskforce has a complicated job in exploring these options, and to do that job well, they will need time. So do not expect any quick reports or solutions. But rest assured, before any major changes are recommended for the campus, the Taskforce will be reporting to the Session and to the congregation. The Taskforce was able to share their work to date and receive input from the congregation at the World Café gathering. (you can see a video of the World Café on the website in the “Resource Center” under the News and Events tab).
Members of the Taskforce, as approved by Session, are the original six: Dave Haight, Bob Livingston, Jane Long, Claudia Norris, Kristi Smith, and John Tacca (chair), plus these five added at this week’s meeting: Cliff Yezefski (Session liaison), Rich Ferrera, Kelli Holzman, Peter Lehr, and Charlie Marcon. Please keep them in your prayers!
Second, we hope you can join us for a special outdoor worship service on Thursday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. in which we will give thanks for God’s creation and offer a blessing of the animals. If you (or a friend or neighbor) want to bring a pet of any kind to be blessed – from alpaca to hermit crab – please bring them either leashed or in a cage. And if you don’t have a pet to bring, please join us anyway as we give thanks for God’s wondrous creation in a short worship service that will include music, prayers, a short reflection by a church member, and the blessing of the animals. The Worship Team is providing refreshments for two-legged and four-legged creatures alike following the service at 7:30 p.m.
Third, in anticipation of the upcoming Lehigh Valley Pride Festival on August 18, members of the Compassion, Peace, and Justice team will be available Sunday morning to take Pride T-Shirt orders from those who would like to pay by cash or check. In addition, t-shirt orders can be place anytime online at: [Orders Now Closed]
Finally, thanks for your generous contribution to the “Christmas in July” food drive. We were able to contribute 1,079 pounds of food and personal care items to the Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank at a time of year when donations are not plentiful!
Grace and peace,

Carter Lester, Interim Lead Pastor