October 17, 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

This Sunday, something will happen in worship that I wish all the world could see.

This Sunday, I will once again have a great vantage point for seeing an illustration of who we are, a vision that has always moved my heart and brought a lump to my throat. We will step forward once again to offer our financial gifts and pledges for 2025. As we did last year, we will come forward to make our offerings as a symbol, an outward sign of what is going on inside us, that once again we are offering ourselves to God. (And, as we do on communion Sundays, our Greeters will be able to come to those who wish to remain in their seat.) When we do this, we will become a living parable of what it means to be Church.

As I think back on other Dedication Sundays in other congregations, I can still see in my mind’s eye Nola, a refugee living in a women’s shelter, dressed in her finest Nigerian dress because she wanted to bring her best to God; Flossie and Sara, both over 100 years old, stubbornly walking forward with assistance because they wanted to be part of the procession; Jane, newly widowed, coming forward with a sorrowful but determined face; Tim and Gwen with babe in arms, grateful to be part of their new church family; Michelle and Jerry and their three boys coming forward because they believed in teaching them faithful stewardship at an early age.

The images and the list go on and on. This living parable will be going on all over the world, in cities and hamlets, in cathedrals and chapels, under vaulted ceilings and thatched roofs and even under spreading trees. Dedication Sunday is a day when we are reminded that we are part of something bigger than ourselves here at 3231 Tilghman Street. We are part of a movement, God’s gospel movement, and with whatever time, talents, and treasure God has given us, we all have something to offer to contribute to The Cause. We can all present ourselves on Sunday, in body or spirit, because– as a video will remind us–“We are the church together.”

What will compel us to come forward Sunday in worship will not be not a sense of guilt or a belief that a stern God requires it before we can earn God’s love. No, what will compel us to come forward will be our desire to be part of God’s beautiful saving work, and our gratitude that this great God has loved us, claimed us, and called us into it. We will walk down the aisle committed by gratitude, and return to our pew buoyed by the joy of sharing what we have been given: indeed, Jesus spoke truth when he said “it is in giving that we will receive,” and “if you want to gain your life, you must give it away.”

On Sunday, as you walk and sit, keep the eyes of your heart open. A great vision will be unfolding before you, as imperfect people strive to live God’s love in the way of Jesus Christ. It might even bring a lump to your throat too.

Looking forward to Sunday,

Carter Lester, Interim Lead Pastor

P.S. We know that many of you give and make your pledges online. You can also pick up a card at one of the tables in the sanctuary or outside of Fellowship Hall before the service that says “I made my pledge online” or “I give online.”