Dear Friends in Christ,
But as this new year begins, and as we prepare to meet the candidate that your Pastor Nominating Committee is enthusiastically recommending to be your next lead pastor, the time has come to set a date for my departure as your interim lead pastor. After conferring with the Session, we have set February 2 as my last Sunday with you – happily, that will be a communion service (and there will be just one service that day). That Sunday will mark a little over two years of ministry with you, and the time has come for this congregation to shift from the short-term horizon of a transition to the more distant horizon of being the body of Christ in Allentown in a third century of ministry, beginning in 2031. And for me, the time is right for me to more fully embrace the opportunities that retirement from paid ministry brings.
I will say more closer to February 2, but for now, please know it has been a privilege to walk alongside you in ministry these two years. While I will not miss the hours spent on route 100 each week, I will miss working with this great staff and wonderful congregation.
There is an exciting new chapter ahead for both you and me after our time together as we each seek what new thing God will be doing.
See you Sunday,

P.S. This Sunday we will celebrate the day of Epiphany, and as we receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, each of you will be invited to receive a Star Word. Star Words have become a tradition for this community, and we believe they are words given to us by the Spirit to help prayerfully guide us in the year ahead. Every word is unique and no member will have the same. If you are not here this Sunday and would still like a Star Word, please contact Pastor Taylor.