Dear friends in Christ:
What a grand adventure these past two years with you have been for me! As I said two years ago in my first eblast pastoral message to you, even as I retired from the ministry Kerry and I shared in Pottstown, “I felt like God might be calling for me to work with a congregation seeking to discern who God is calling them to be and what God is calling them to do as they prepare for their next pastor.” And as always, when one responds to God’s call, there are challenges, but the blessings always outweigh the challenges.
Among those blessings have been:
- Working on challenging issues with dedicated and faithful people who love the church enough to devote their time and talents to that work.
- Helping to lead worship in a variety of settings, with a variety of music, and even a variety of languages, but united in the opportunity to sing together, pray together, celebrate the sacraments together, and grapple together with God’s Word for our lives.
- Being among all of the generations of this body of Christ that includes exuberant and curious children, insightful and gifted youth, and faithful and gracious generations of adults.
- Meeting community leaders who are served by FPCA and see how those in-kind and financial gifts are making an impact.
- Wrestling with “Presbyterian Questions and Answers” or “Poetry and Faith” with fellow pilgrims in Christ.
- Visiting folks in the hospital or their homes and seeing their quiet courage.
For all these reasons, and many more, it has been such a privilege and blessing for Kerry and me to be part of this body of Christ these past two years. As the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, “I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.”
With gratitude

P.S. As was the case with past installed and interim pastors, I am signing a “Covenant of Expectations for a Departing Pastor” in which I agree moving forward that I will not provide, or be asked to provide, pastoral services to members of FPCA, including officiating at baptisms, weddings, and funerals – or intervene in any disputes or congregational business. I fully support these provisions, both for the health of FPCA and the enjoyment of my retirement!