Tag: Video

These past two weeks, I have switched the lectionary and order of two passages in Luke 4 – for reasons that I think will be clearer later. Last week, we focused on the reactions to Jesus’ first sermon in his home-town synagogue. This week we will focus on the sermon itself. Perhaps, in the terminology […]

One of my favorite moments on any given Sunday is the chance to greet people at the end of the service: to literally “press flesh” and touch base with people in person with people.  Even that brief interaction always does my spirits good.  And, it was one of the things I missed most when we […]

Standing at the threshold of a new year and a new chapter, many of us might feel a sense of anticipation. I sure do! We make plans, set resolutions, and chart our paths forward. But if we’re honest, how often do those plans unfold exactly as we imagine? Life’s road, as we know, is rarely […]

As Christmas approaches, what are you dreaming of? I remember two young boys a few years ago in Pottstown. They were dreaming of having bikes. You can understand that can’t you? It is hard to be young and restless and full of energy and not have wheels. So much can happen on the seat of […]

Reflect on what it means to have a “with-us” God. If you have experienced a time of isolation, from God or others, what practices might help you break free from that isolation? How can you support others experiencing loneliness and isolation? Connection as God’s plan for humanity. We are lonely sometimes. Sometimes we want to […]

Today marks the beginning of Advent, a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year draws to a close, a new church year begins, inviting us to reorient our lives around the birth of Christ—a birth that ushers in new ways of living, loving, and hoping. Yet, as we know, even as we prepare […]

This morning, as we turn our hearts and minds to Thanksgiving, we have two texts written under dramatically different circumstances.  The first text comes from Deuteronomy and is part of a sermon Moses delivered to the Israelites as they stand at the threshold of the Promised Land.  Earlier Moses reminded the people of their time […]

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A young man was searching for the secret of wisdom, and heard that there was a guru high in the Himalayas who knew he secret. So, he set off to find the guru, going through much hardship and travail until finally, high in the mountains, he found the Master sitting in the lotus posture. “Tell […]